First of all, yes, these are the two characters from Mutts. I was recently introduced to this quaint and adorable comic (apparently I had been living in darkness beforehand) and have been enamored with it since. Patrick McDonnell does amazing work and this is perhaps my way of paying tribute to him. Imitation is the truest form of flattery they say!
Thanksgiving is a chance to share the company of friends and family, to enjoy good food, have your parents and aunts and uncles share dreadful, horrible stories of "when you were
this tall...," but most of all it's a chance to reflect on your life and the things that maybe don't get as much frontal lobe time as they should during the year.
This year I was fortunate enough to be able to see both my dad's side and mom's side of the family and it reminded me how thankful I am for the great family, near and extended, that I have and the importance of acknowledging those that support and hold you up.
Thank you everyone for your support and happy Thanksgiving!